Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I wrote an article for the December 2011 issue of Polymer Cafe magazine called An Introduction to the Principles of Design.  Included with the article were templates and excercises for artists to try.  Jill Palumbo sent me this photo showing her experimentation with the templates.

My favorite is the one on the right.  I like the contrast of the highly textured half circles with the flat gilded areas.  The linear pattern in the circles also repeats the not quite horizontal lines of the center vertical element.  Because the textural lines in the half circles are on a diagonal they also add dynamic movement to the piece.

Jill does some really interesting jewelry using a very heavy surface texture and bright colors.  Check out her photos on Flickr:

I especially like her Frida Kahlo series and the beads (or maybe brooches?) inspired by Olympia Corvino.



Jill Palumbo said...

Thank you, Jan, for your kind words about my pieces. Your work always causes me to wonder and is a true inspiration to me. Many times I have wished for the chance to study art. Your article, that I have read and re-read, gave me the hope of being able to understand and use the basic principals of design. Thank you so much for writing such a thought provoking article. You have opened a door for your readers to observe the methods you use to make your very intriguing pieces. I have admired how you put elements together, unlike any other polymer clay artist, but was at a total loss as to how you went about creating your works. Reading your words was an invitation to experience your unique creative process and to catch a glimpse of the soul of your most beautiful pieces.

Saskia said...

Great article Jan!!! And great work Jill!!!

Louise T said...

Jan, thanks for the idea of using a templet for designing. I mostly do polymer clay as a hobby, give my work away to family and friends, but I still like to have my pieces be works of art, or as close to it as I can get.
Your work is awesome.
Louise Traylor

Jill Palumbo said...

Jan, come see this post from Parole de Pâte -
You are being celebrated in the Francophone World today. Congrats!